St. Stephen's Lutheran Church
To Love, To Invite, To Serve
1301 N Broom Street Wilmington, DE 19806
Advent in Our Homes
Slow down, dear church. Slow down and breathe.
In this season when the cultural gravity pushes us down the hill to Christmas way too fast, it’s time to apply the brakes and slow down. As countercultural as that may seem, there’s too much to hear, too much to see, too much to experience, too much to take in to hurry through Advent. We sit with Isaiah and his people who longingly waited for the coming of the Promised One. We stand with John the Baptist as he calls God’s people to prepare the way of the Lord.
Sundays 10 am Virtual Services with Advent Wreath Lighting
Each Sunday we hear light one more candle as we anticipate the coming of Christmas. Please join us for our recorded Sunday service of Word and music.
Thursdays 6 pm Saints and Supper
You are invited to join us for a virtual Advent supper and conversation. You can prepare your supper or eat as we talk about select Saints via Zoom by clicking here (Passcode: 1301). Following our conversation, we will be joined by Cantor Oksana and her husband Jess for night prayer.
Thursday, December 3, 2020 Vespers
Thursday, December 10, 2020 Vespers
Thursday, December 17, 2020 Vespers