Doing Good

I can relate to a theme that Pastor Jason covered in his blog a few weeks ago. There have been times over the last four months when I have just felt tired, not from lack of sleep and not from too much exercise, but from a feeling of impatience for life to get back to what used to be normal. I have been weary due to the changes in my life that have been imposed by Covid-19.
But then I read this in the Bible. In chapter 9 of his letter to the people of Galatia (an area near what is now Ankara, Turkey), Paul said, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” His context then was certainly different than ours today but if we persevere by doing good, by doing what is right, we will get through this pandemic.
“Doing good.” What does that mean in today’s world? For me it means following the guidance of the health professionals: minimizing my contact with non-family members, wearing a face mask in public when I need to go out, and maintaining a social distance to protect not only myself but, as important, to protect others.
It also means finding ways to help others who are in need. Opportunities include dropping off supplies for the Food Pantry (canned goods, bottled water, paper goods, empty grocery bags) and making individually packaged peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or cheese sandwiches for Emmanuel Dining Room (drop off at the Westminster Presbyterian Church parking lot on Sunday mornings between 9:00 and 10:00).
And it means staying connected with people I cannot see face to face. I believe it is important for each of us who belong to this wonderful community of Christian believers known as St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church to reach out to other members and friends in this community with telephone calls and Zoom meetings and even old-fashioned cards and letters. It is important to reach out to emphasize that our ministry of caring is alive and well even though we cannot meet together. It is important to reach out to listen, to share, to comfort, to laugh and even to cry as we hear each other’s stories. It is important to reach out to affirm God’s unwavering presence in our lives as we live through this unprecedented time.
There will come a time down the road when we can get back together in person, when we can see the expressions on each other’s faces not covered by a mask, when we can celebrate our commitment to Christ in our sanctuary. Until then, stay safe and do good “for in due season we will reap.”
Bob Linderman