Eulogies for the Living

Sue and I have a very close friend who lives in New York City and who was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer that has metastasized to his bones. His wife was a fellow classmate of Sue’s at Mt. Holyoke College. The connection between the two women over the time since graduation expanded a number of years ago to include their husbands and, since then, the four of us have visited regularly and have traveled together within and outside the United States.
Now our friends and those close to them are dealing directly with the realities of the diagnosis. Last week Sue decided to write a letter to them to share how much their friendship has meant to us and to recall some of the fun times we have had during our travel adventures. The impetus for her decision to write the letter was her desire to share these thoughts with our close friend and his wife while he was still able to read her sentiments.
When Sue shared with me a draft of her letter I remarked that her reflections read like those usually heard at a memorial service, heard by everyone but the deceased. I commented to her it was a great idea to share these important words now with the living!
Over the years I have written and presented several eulogies at memorial services but before this week I hadn’t even thought to put on paper similar words for those who are alive and who mean so much to me. I’d best get started.
Bob Linderman